Sunday, March 8, 2020

Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Dormir

Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Dormir The conjugation of dormir, which usually means to sleep, is irregular in that the stem of -o- becomes -ue- when stressed and sometimes becomes -u- when unstressed. The only other verb that follows the same pattern is the rarely used adormir, which means to calm or to cause sleep. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context. Infinitive of Dormir dormir (to sleep) Gerund of Dormir durmiendo (sleeping) Participle of Dormir dormido (slept) Present Indicative of Dormir yo duermo, tà º duermes, usted/à ©l/ella duerme, nosotros/as dormimos, vosotros/as dormà ­s, ustedes/ellos/ellas duermen (I sleep, you sleep, he sleeps, etc.) Preterite of Dormir yo dormà ­, tà º dormiste, usted/à ©l/ella durmià ³, nosotros/as dormimos, vosotros/as dormisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas durmieron (I slept, you slept, she slept, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Dormir yo dormà ­a, tà º dormà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella dormà ­a, nosotros/as dormà ­amos, vosotros/as dormà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas dormà ­an (I used to sleep, you used to sleep, he used to sleep, etc.) Future Indicative of Dormir yo dormirà ©, tà º dormirs, usted/à ©l/ella dormir, nosotros/as dormiremos, vosotros/as dormirà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas dormirn (I will sleep, you will sleep, he will sleep, etc.) Conditional of Dormir yo dormirà ­a, tà º dormirà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella dormirà ­a, nosotros/as dormirà ­amos, vosotros/as dormirà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas dormirà ­an (I would sleep, you would sleep, she would sleep, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Dormir que yo duerma, que tà º duermas, que usted/à ©l/ella duerma, que nosotros/as durmamos, que vosotros/as durmis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas duerman (that I sleep, that you sleep, that she sleep, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Dormir que yo durmiera (durmiese), que tà º durmieras (durmieses), que usted/à ©l/ella durmiera (durmiese), que nosotros/as durmià ©ramos (durmià ©semos), que vosotros/as durmierais (durmieseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas durmieran (durmiesen) (that I slept, that you slept, that he slept, etc.) Imperative of Dormir duerme (tà º), no duermas (tà º), duerma (usted), durmamos (nosotros/as), dormid (vosotros/as), no durmis (vosotros/as), duerman (ustedes) (sleep, dont sleep, sleep, lets sleep, etc.) Present Perfect Indicative of Dormir yo he dormido, tà º has dormido, usted/à ©l/ella ha dormido, nosotros/as hemos dormido, vosotros habà ©is dormido, ustedes/ellos/ellas han dormido (I have played, you have played, she has played, etc.) Pluperfect (Past Perfect Indicative) of Dormir yo habà ­a dormido, tà º habà ­a dormido, usted/à ©l/ella habà ­a dormido, nosotros/as habà ­amos dormido, vosotros habà ­ais dormido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habà ­an dormido (that I had played, that you had played, that he had played, etc.) Future Perfect Indicative of Dormir yo habrà © dormido, tà º habrs dormido, usted/à ©l/ella habr dormido, nosotros/as habremos dormido, vosotros habrà ©is dormido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrn dormido (I will have played, you will have played, she will have played, etc.) Present Perfect Subjunctive of Dormir yo haya dormido, tà º hayas dormido, usted/à ©l/ella haya dormido, nosotros/as hayamos dormido, vosotros hayis dormido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hayan dormido (that I have played, that you have played, that he has played, etc.) Past Perfect Subjunctive of Dormir yo hubiera/hubiese dormido, tà º hubieras/hubieses dormido, usted/à ©l/ella hubiera/hubieses dormido, nosotros/as hubià ©ramos/hubià ©semos dormido, vosotros hubierais/hubieseis dormido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen dormido (that I had played, that you had played, that she had played, etc.) Conditional Perfect of Dormir yo habrà ­a dormido, tà º habrà ­as dormido, usted/à ©l/ella habrà ­a dormido, nosotros/as habrà ­amos dormido, vosotros habrà ­ais dormido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà ­an dormido (I would have played, you would have played, he would have played, etc.) Progressive Tenses of Dormir The many progressive tenses use the appropriate form of estar followed by the gerund, durmiendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Dormir La pequeà ±a ha decidido que quiere dormir en la cama conmigo. (The little girl has decided she wants to sleep in the bed with me. Infinitive.) No sà © lo que pasà ³;  estaba durmiendo. (I dont know what happened;  I was sleeping. Gerund.) Los nià ±os de ahora duermen menos que los de hace veinte aà ±os. (Todays children sleep less than those of  20 years ago. Present indicative.) Se durmieron mientras tomaban el sol. (They fell asleep while sunbathing. Preterite.) Espero que duermas bien, mi amor, y que pienses en mà ­ tambià ©n. (I hope that you sleep well, my love, and that you think about me too. Present subjunctive.)  ¿Habrà © estado durmiendo mientras los otros sufrà ­an? (Will I have been sleeping while there others were suffering? Future perfect progressive.) Me recomendà ³ que no durmiera en el suelo. (She recommended that I dont sleep on the floor. Imperfect subjunctive.)  ¡Duà ©rmete ahorita! (Go to sleep right now! Imperative.)